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What is the Breed Council?

A Breed Council within CFA is a group of people who have met specific qualifications by breeding and showing their chosen breed. Breed Council members work together to direct the future of their chosen breed. They are able to propose and vote for changes in the written show standard. No change can be made to the standard without the approval of 60% of the current Breed Council members. Breed Council members can also influence the use of their breed for the creation of new breeds or as an outcross for existing breeds.

The Breed Council Secretary is an elected position, held for two years. The Breed Council Secretary (BCS) acts as a liaison between the CFA Board of Directors (BOD) and the breeders. The BCS is responsible for providing the BOD information regarding the expectations of the BC members with regard to changes that may affect their breed, and also must relay to the BC members any proposals made by the BOD that may influence either show standards or breeding requirements of their breed.

A Breed Council is a very important group of people. They not only determine the looks of their breed for future breeders, they also work to educate the public in the best qualities of their breed, mentor new breeders and contribute to solving problems within their breed wherever needed.

What is the purpose of this web site?

This site exists to:

  • inform the public about the Siamese breed and the Siamese Breed Council
  • provide a source of reference material to the members of the Siamese Breed Council and other cat fanciers who might wish to become members of the Siamese Breed Council
  • showcase the accomplishments and achievements of the wonderful group of people and cats who represent the Siamese breed within CFA

Questions or problems using this site?
Email the webmaster

This page last modified Apr 01, 2020 at 09:37PM

Copyright © CFA Siamese Breed Council
All rights reserved.

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Please enjoy our site and photographs but do not
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